Introducing Easy Accents Premium!
Want to purchase Easy Accents Premium subscriptions for your school?
$350.00 one time cost for a lifetime school license.
Unlimited domains (associated with the school).
During the month of March 2022, Easy Accents, LLC is donating 50% of all proceeds for lifetime school licenses purchased to The Voices of Children Foundation.
Voices of Children is providing on the ground emergency psychological support and evacuation assistance to children and families in the Ukraine.
To learn more about The Voices of Children Foundation click here.
Click here to request an Easy Accents education license
Support Easy Accents’ mission to keep languages alive by upgrading to our new Premium subscription. Current premium features include the ability to set a default language. No more having to select your language of choice each time you open Easy Accents!
Premium Features
Set a default language.
Create up to three custom input sets.
These can be any combination of marks, words or phrases that you would like to easily insert into documents.
Premium only marks.
Math - Common
Math - Logic
Kaomoji - Japanese emoticon
Only $1.99 USD per year. Click here to subscribe.